We build too many walls and not enough bridges. -Sir Isaac Newton

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In English we say that's a fallacy

In Poetry We Say

You called a part a whole

and the whole became its parts

and no one was going to pick up all the


so I did.

The question is

are you willing you take it all apart

to give up

everything you know

to start again

A is for apples but for me it was

Anterior Glide

this is a painting by

a little girl who saw the 

art in anterior glide

a physical therapist

who loved the movement system

who never stopped fighting

and in the process lost the girl

and found instead her own

diagnostic label.

this is a painting by  

an autistic artist who thinks in pictures 

who drew instead

because what she saw

words couldn't ever do it 

He asked us to write a wish

On A Piece of Paper.


I wrote.

This time reality broke 

And I found


Waiting for Godot 

What’s the point of all of this 

Nothing is real 

Nothing matters 

Matter isn’t even real 

but one thing is 


And it’s not me, 

In this bell jar

My senses! 

Do I listen to the old brag of my heart

I am I am I am  —not

Or do I listen to Descartes 

To think therefore I am  

Sisyphus perhaps 

Is the realest 


There is